Your ultimate solution

for earwax relief

What are Organic Ear Oil Drops?

The product is specially formulated to provide a gentle and effective solution for earwax removal.


•    Effective Earwax Removal: ClearTune's unique formula can break down and dissolvee stubborn earwax
•    Gentle on the Ear: Our oil drops are gentle and suitable for all ages, making earwax removal a pain-free experience
•    Only natural ingredients

Interesting Facts About the Ear:

•    Self-Cleaning Mechanism: The ear has a natural self-cleaning mechanism where old earwax is pushed out, but sometimes it needs a little help.
•    Individual Earprint: Just like fingerprints, everyone has a unique earprint. No two ears are exactly alike!
•    Ears Never Stop Growing: Unlike other body parts, ears continue to grow throughout a person's lifetime.

Invest in your ear health with Ear Oil Drops - the simple and effective solution for clear, healthy ears. Say goodbye to earwax troubles and hello to a world of clear hearing!

How to use?

Tilt and Apply: Tilt your head to the side and use the provided dropper to apply 2-3 drops into the ear canal.
Massage Gently: Massage the area around the ear to ensure the oil reaches deep into the ear canal.
Stay Put: Remain in the tilted position for a few minutes to allow the oil to work its magic.
Drain: Allow the oil to drain out naturally, and wipe away any excess with a clean tissue.

30ml Ear Oil Drops